Tuesday, May 16, 2006

let there be LIGHT!

after a week and a half of thinking about a song i listened to as a kid

...standing there on freedoms shore - can you feel it now that spring has come...

as i stepped off the bus after work today, i looked up at the sky and saw a stranger peeking its head through the clouds

...waiting for the sun...

the weekend before last was training weekend for my triathlon club - despite feeling a bit sick the first day (allergies probably), i was still able to get some good training in - especially on the bike. the weather was great and so was the scenery and hilly terrain in the white mountains. it was a nice break to see and train with people i normally don't get to see much due to the crazy-busy existence i've been leading lately.

upon coming back, the dark clouds moved in and overstayed their welcome until this afternoon. i believe they came last monday. was a bit hard to motivate to ride and run...not only that, but it seemed as though my body decided to go into shutdown mode. i think that all the pressure of work and training caught up and i basically hibernated between 9 and 10 hours for several nights in a row. i did adjust my training schedule to accomodate this, but managed to get in my key workouts.

i think the thought of going back to the trainer after a few months of training outside was not too appealing...although saturday, after waking up feeling sick and resting the whole morning, i managed to suck it up...after all, i really doubt the ironman will give a rat's a** that the weather sucked in my area during crunch-time

have you ever heard "all athletes from new england...you have a 15 minute head start due to your lousy training weather" at the start of a race?

um, no.

so i calibrated daniel's trainer to my weight, hunkered down on my aerobars, warmed up watching Quality Television for 45 minutes - i then put on my iPod, closed my eyes, and cranked it up until the 3 hour mark...all in all, i ended up getting 56.3 miles - all in the comfort of my own living room - wasn't half bad and i felt much better after the ride than before

tomorrow morning, i'm sure my bike will be very happy to be able to play outside after more than a week of being grounded



At 8:35 AM, Blogger Beth said...

good for you pammy! the mental toughness from the ride will pay off at Roth!

At 10:08 AM, Blogger TriJoni said...

I agree!!! you are one of the toughest minded chicks I know and it is going to make Roth so enjoyable for you!!! VERY PROUD of you girly!!!


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