Sunday, May 28, 2006

5 weeks out from QCR

5 weeks out from QCR and all systems check. One more week of race intensity volume and then, taper time. As an iron-virgin, I'm opting for a more conservative, longer taper. Better to be a bit too rested than a bit too tired at the starting line. I'm mentally prepping myself to not act like a typical type-A triathlete, and doing less training these next few weeks without freaking out about loosing fitness. At this point, what's done is done.
Yesterday was my last 112 mile ride/brick run. Race pace, race wheels, race food etc. I took off easy (too much red wine the night before) and just settled in and braced myself for a hot (over 90 degrees!) day in the saddle. My goal was to hold back a bit the whole time, as if a marathon awaited me. The temps soared, the wind kicked up. I just just tried to not fight the hills or the wind, stay small, aero and most importantly, hold back and show respect for the run that follows.
112 miles, 3000 ft. of going up, and 4 hours and 51 minutes later I was home again (T2 is in my garage) and on went the running shoes. Wow, for the first time I was feeling like I could put together a solid run! Finally.
Just hope everything comes together as nicely on those last six miles of the marathon. Yikes.


At 3:51 PM, Blogger supersonique said...'re gonna kick a** - btw, all my pr's in running have been accomplished on days when i've had a glass of red wine the night before...i think the stuff is good for the blood or something


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