Monday, June 05, 2006

moose-ie part deux

the mooseman half-iron is basically my 4-weeks-out race simulation for QCR - although i didn't have any concrete performance goals, i did have some expectations based on my training to gauge how i should pace myself for the big race


i felt more relaxed than ever before the race - thankfully no jitters - i had gone to a bikram yoga class on thursday night to de-compress from a stressful workweek and to do a "system-check" on my body

friday before the race patrick (my coach) helped me analyze my power tap data to determine how to push on the bike based on power - not speed - so that i could be more efficient and have fresher legs for the run

the days before, i spoke with family and friends who offered me their support, "fast vibes" and good-luck wishes

drove up the day before to the mud-fest that daniel outlined in his report, signed in, ate a delicious dinner at a great restaurant, the italian farmhouse, with kerry, dave and daniel (highly recommend it!)

came back to the hotel, slept for a bit, woke up to the f-bomb fight (see daniel's report below) and went back to sleep. woke up surprisingly HUNGRY at 5 and immediately had a bagel with pb - whew - passed the first test of the day (last year i could not eat before the race) - felt pretty relaxed - went to the race, parked far away, and rode our bikes to the transition area

at transition, was happy to see familiar faces including the PTS and TE gangs - i suited up and went to the beach where i saw even more familiar faces

the race:

the swim was decent - was hard to get into a rhythm - i think my body had a shock b/c of the cold water so for the first 1/4 of the way, it was hard to breathe - then on the way back i got decked by someone in the hand - and it was very choppy - it was 9 mins better than last year, so i'm happy with that

t1 took FOREVER - i got out of the water very dizzy and then i was very cold and my hands had limited mobility since they were so cold and had gotten kicked hard - was difficult getting my wetsuit off and the other things on - definitely the longest transition i've ever had - brain wanted body to move but body wouldn't and had to hold on to railing to not fall

the bike was rough - as soon as i got on my heartrate was very high b/c i was freezing and i think my body was working hard to keep warm - i was still really dizzy. i had a jersey on, but even so, having wet clothing did not help. on the first loop i was able to eat ok and was able to keep my wattage to what it was supposed to be, but on the second loop, the wheels came off - i didn't feel good AT ALL - i think i got a bit hypothermic - i felt like half conscious and kept wanting to fall asleep - i had a splitting headache and was kind of barely rolling along - cycling is usually my strongest and i usually love hills, but yesterday it was definitely my weakest and i swear my powertap read "negative watts" on the second loop - could not seem to get my heartrate out of zone1 for most of the time on loop2 - on loop 2 i was by myself most of the time and i couldn't wait to get done - it was a bit disappointing because my bike training has actually been going really well lately - oh well

the run ended up being the best - after not feeling good on the bike, i thought the run would be very slow and in "damage control" mode - BUT i think that since i didn't really use any energy (my average watts and my heartrate dropped a lot on the second loop of the bike so i didn't do much work), i guess that saved my legs and gave me energy for the run. i also think my body warmed up back to normal, so i was able to move ok - i was able to run around 8-minute miles without slowing down did 1:46 - i came within a minute of my stand-alone half-marathon PR - it was fun to shout-out jokes to my friends - "crush and destroy", "beefcake", "post-race bahgain shopping", "no pansy-asses" etc etc :) - i followed mariana's "stay focused no matter what" advice, kept up a high turnover, took "baby steps" on the hills and somehow managed to not crap-out

overall i did end up PRing in a half-iron (5:45) - i did this course 26 minutes faster than last year - so i was happy about that - my swim was right where i thought it would be, my bike was about 20 minutes slower, and my run was about 10 minutes faster - so i guess they sort of cancelled each other out

post race comments:

congrats to all who raced - am proud of all of you!

thanks to daniel for inspiring me to put in a good effort and being so supportive in my training - thanks to jorge, nisha, mariana and andrea for sending me "fast vibes" - they seemed to work! - thanks to patrick for all the great coaching advice - thanks to maura, joni and robin for cheering and taking pics - thanks to lisa c. for the "SUCK IT UP" mantra - helped me push through a tough bike leg to make it to the run - thanks to beth, tania, mary for well-wishing - congrats to nick for his win - and to friends/teammates who waved/cheered along the course - and thanks to kerry and dave for a great dinner and for providing your house post-race to clean ourselves and our bikes :)



At 3:17 PM, Blogger supersonique said...

congrats on last weekend's demi-iron. it doesn't get any better than a PR, especially if you are'nt peaking for it.
it seems like it served as much for mental training when things don't go exactly as planned (remember,things never go EXACTLY as planned). you hung in, didn't panic, settled into you run, and finished with a PR.
your bro


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