Wednesday, June 14, 2006

noah's ark day 41

less than three weeks till QCR - and one week 'till i go to germany! my bro left for spain yesterday and will be meeting us in roth thursday before the race - i am quite excited to finally have my first longer-than-a-week-leaving-the-us-of-a vacation in 5 years :)

with the weather lately, it seems like pretty much any conditions in roth will be bearable. i hope that it's 70 and sunny, but at this point i feel like i'm ready for anything

this past weekend, i went to a training camp in lake placid - both days were cold, rainy and windy - for the first time in my life, i got blown off my bike by a crosswind gust (twice) - had to call search&rescue (daniel) to come fetch me because by the time i would have gotten back to the hotel at my speed of 3 miles an hour (yes i was practically standing still with the headwinds that came with the crosswinds) i would have to pay for an extra night of staying there - anywho, the rest of the camp (aside from the weather) was lots of fun - got to hang out with cool peeps and got some good workouts in.

monday showed some mercy - it was perfect weather out and i felt great - went for a ride with daniel and he cranked it on 225 and i was able to stay on his wheel yay! ...and then this morning, for the first time on any open water swim this year i actually got to sight the sun! yes, the sun! so i figured, hey, this is looking cool for training this week!!!


i just went out to bike hills around 4 - it had rained a bit before, but it looked like it had stopped - i looked at the radar and it looked safe to go out. so i set out on a loop (new, longer, gnarlier loop that makes my regular arlington hills one look like a cakewalk), got lost even though i had a map with me (big surprise there), eventually found my way (added on a bit but then cut out a bit so it ended up being the same mileage) and when i was furthest from home, the thunder, lightning and downpour started up!!! so i hightailed it back home - got half the workout in (1:15) - ok now gonna go wash off myself and my bike...and then it's looking like an iPod/trainer evening again for part deux of the workout :)



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